Insights on Technology and How We Use It
What RIGHT about Artificial Intelligence?
While AI has its challenges, there’s a bright side to it. Just like any technology, it’s not inherently good or bad. Sure, it has flaws, but AI can also help us do amazing things. It can boost our skills, spark new ideas, and give businesses a competitive edge and more.
Why Does Organizational Project Management Matter?
Who doesn’t want to be successful? To have repeatable and controllable success is the promise of good project management. Such promises don’t come easy though. It takes good practices and procedures that are consistently applied, measured and reviewed - this is the hallmark of mature organizational project management (OPM).
Zero Trust - Never Trust, Always Verify
Zero trust cybersecurity protocols may enable law firms and other organizations to create a more resilient protection network, but how do they get there?
Ransomware Attack - What Really Happens and How to Survive
What really happens? What steps can companies and law firms take to better survive a ransomware attack? Prior planning and open communication with all stakeholders is a good start.
The Internet of Behavior - Can It Really Change Us?
As we evolve toward the Internet of Behavior, will people be able to accept being monitored, tracked, and analyzed with a mix of data technology and behavioral science?
The Rise of “Anywhere” Operations
Working from Home is changing how law firms work. This is a look at the new concept of "Anywhere” Operations and how law firms need to get behind this latest development in remote working
Achieving Cybersecurity Maturity In Your Law Firm
Law firms can achieve a level of cybersecurity maturity that allows them to detect & contain a cyber-threat before it even has a chance to disrupt business.
Can a Machine replace an Attorney?
We are at the beginning of a new machine age. Intelligent computing is being successfully applied to many areas of manufacturing, banking, medical, investing and legal work and it will only grow. How will law firms adapt? Can legal work be done by a machine?