Technology Consulting and Strategy

FYI - Information and Insight on Technology


Technology Project Management

I can provide effective management for projects, programs, and portfolios to help you achieve your strategic goals. My services include project management, program or portfolio reviews and help with struggling projects. I can also assess your firms project management maturity and make recommendations for positive improvements.

Technology Consulting and Strategy

I can help you step back from the day-to-day and take a more strategic look at how well you use your technology and make recommendations on how you might use it better. My services include technology use assessments, maturity assessments, staff assessments, a review of vendors and help with budgeting.

Cybersecurity Consulting

I can help you assess the status of your cybersecurity technology and help you set a solid course for your security. My services include a high-level security review of your systems, policies and procedures, data breach planning, risk assessment and planning, and recommendations. 

Problem Solving

I am a problem solver. Sometimes things just don’t work and I can provide fresh perspective. I will work with you and your team to resolve or mitigate your technology problems.