Insights on Technology and How We Use It

Legal Project Management Maturity - How Mature is Your Firm?

Who doesn’t want to be successful? To have repeatable and controllable success is the promise of good project management. This article takes a look at the different levels of project management maturity and what that means to law firms.

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Optimizing Legal Project Management: Can you do the Kanban?

Can a stack of sticky notes, a pen, and a blank wall revolutionize your firm’s legal work? Kanban, a visual system for legal project management, may do just that.

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Method Melding: The Modern Melting Pot of Project Management

Add a smidgen of Agile, dust with a hint of Waterfall, and add a large dollop of Scrum, and you’ve got a modern project. In years past, you would have had to choose a single methodology to get a project done, but increasingly in today’s world, you can select additional project methodologies that will help you get the job done better.

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