Beware the Internet of Behavior

In 2008, the number of objects connected to the internet exceeded the number of people on the planet β€” now, more than a dozen years later, there are more than 50 billion internet-connected devices.

This mass of connected objects, often called the Internet of Things (IoT), has slowly invaded our homes and workplace and is these smart devices are now being used to track, monitor, and even influence our behavior. This new technology is called the Internet of Behavior (IoB), and it’s going to change our relationship with our computers.

Don Philmlee

Entrepreneur, consultant, strategist and technology advocate - Don has years of experience making technology work. He is an author, teacher, and mentor on security trends and technology implementation. Over the past 30-plus years, his clients have included hundreds of law firms, associations, government and other organizations in the United States and overseas. Don is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) since 2006 and a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) since 2003.